Heard About Phil Knight?

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Heard About Phil Knight?

BB Meets Africa Jun 09, 2021
Phil Knight


Heard About Phil Knight?

By BB Meets Africa the :

An American businessman, co-founder and chairman of the company Nike Incorporation, born on 24th February 1938, that’s Phil Knight. He manages the world’s largest supply of Athletic shoes and apparel. Phil always had an interest in running and was a middle-distance runner at the university of Orgeon where he studied Journalism.

Later on, he enrolled in the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University and that was where he discovered what he wanted to do with his life, creating a business dealing in shoes. He graduated with an MBA in 1962. After graduation, he travelled around the world and also visited Japan as well where he was amazed and impressed by the quality and low cost of shoes. This motivated him to start the Blue Ribbon Sports Company in 1964 by collaborating with his former coach Bowerman to form a partnership to distribute the shoes in America.

In 1971, Knight and Bowerman had some disagreements in relation to the contract they made and that led Knight to start his own company which is popularly known as Nike today. He designed products that the world’s top athletes would love to use and he made friends with people like Steve Prefontaine with the assurance that he would help him reach out to others who may be interested in his product.

There has been a steady growth over the years and today Nike is seen as multinational in many countries all over the world and is also rated as one of the world’s largest supply of shoes and apparels as well as a manufacturer of sports equipment.

Knight got married to Penelope also known as “Penny” Parks in September 1968. They had four children. One of their sons, Matthew, lost his life in a diving accident in the year 2004.

Phil Knight – Inspirational Quotes

  • Have a crazy idea.
  • Get the right people. When you are stating out, get the right people and get them working together. Get a conducive working environment.
  • Build great products.
  • Have a reason to succeed. You must have a prolonged passion because there will be many dark moments that you have to be prepared for.
  • Before any success, there will be defeat, be prepared for that as well.
  • Define your values. Decide who you are and what you are and defend those values.
  • Get help. Getting help really is just a part of a lifelong search for wisdom. Get all the help you need.
  • Stand for something.
  • Compete
  • Know your mission. Heritage is the goal that holds companies together because you have to like what you are doing. It’s more than just a business, it’s more than just sports, it is a mission. This is what we’ve committed our lives to,so let’s make it worthwhile.


We should know our mission and identify it so that it is not just about work, or money, or fame, or business but rather we have it in mind that this is what we have signed up for and we love doing what we are doing. Also knowing that no one else can accomplish our mission for us but ourselves.

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